Relationships Turned On With Laura Press

Relationships Turned On With Laura Press

Hosted by: Laura Press

Introducing "Relationships Turned On," a must-listen podcast hosted by Laura Press, a qualified marriage and relationship counsellor. Laura's insightful and creative approach will transform the way you think about...

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How to have conversations about intimacy?

In todays episode; I dive into the often blush inducing and sometimes embarrassing topics around intimacy.  In this episode I talk about:  How to have conversations around intimacy with your partner  Why it is...
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Are you in a parasitic relationship?

In this episode I discuss: What is a parasitic relationship? What are the characteristics and tell tale signs you are in a parasitic relationship? What is the difference between being in a parasitic relationship VS...
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Bonus Episode: Is it one gender's fault relationships fail?

This is the episode you have all been waiting for! Who is at fault in relationships - men or women? In this episode: We explore who's fault is it really? Who is better at relationships men or women? How Men and...
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Are Love Languages a Great Relationship Tool or a Gimmick?

In this episode I discuss: If the 5 Love Languages can be or should be in your relationship? My personal thoughts around it. How I would go many layers deeper in counselling. How to incorporate love languages in a...
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We Need Help But My Partner Doesn't Want Help

It is all so common that couples know they need help but it can be scary, intimidating and your partner may not want to talk to someone. In this episode, I address how you can overcome this & get your relationship...
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Does Your Partner's Phone Get More Action Than You?

This episode is a must listen as I dive into the third wheel in a lot of peoples relationship - technology.   In this episode I discuss:  How to get attention when your partner is connected to his/her phone  Bedroom...
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No. 1 Unexpected Hack to Reduce Conflict In Your Relationship

In this episode, I discuss an unexpected hack to resolve conflict and I really ground it down in how you can apply it to you relationship.  This episode I talk about: The hack -what it is and how you can use...
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Is Anxiety Killing Your Relationship?

The more couples I talk to the more I realise how prevalent relationships anxiety is and how it can dismantle your relationship one brick/thought/anxiety at a time. It is powerful and often not in a positive...
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3 Main Issues Couples Come to Counselling About

This episode I explore the three main reasons why couples come to counselling. I talk about: Main 5 issues couples have (I added a few extra) How you can shift out of these issues How to communicate what you...
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Mum Guilt

This episode is so important for all the Mum's because no matter how much peace we have made with the Mum guilt it still comes up from time to time and could be impacting your relationship. My personal story about...
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Can a relationship be an overnight success?

This episode looks into the phenomenon of overnight success and discusses if it is possible to turn your relationship around quickly and turn it into an overnight success.    What is an overnight success in...
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One Concept That Changes Marriages

This episode explores the one thing to change your marriage/relationship and its not what you think - it is not quality time, trust or good communication (although these are needed). In this episode I discuss...
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