Online Marriage & Relationship Counselling
Without Leaving Home
Reconnect even if their is resentment & you can't seem to stop the fights;
without spending years in therapy.
Innovative & cutting edge approach to get FAST results
Qualified marriage counsellor with a twist (no fluff & practical actionable solutions) that you can do even if you are busy -10-15 mins a day
Reconnect even if the trust has been broken & it feels like there is immeasurable hurt

Are you...
fed up with feeling like room mates?
sick of fighting with your husband/wife & not able to resolve arguments?
frustrated with feeling disconnected, not valued and appreciated?
tired of feeling like you are trying so hard but you can never get it right
disheartened the trust isn't there like it was?
Don't worry, I help you;
have clear communication in your relationship (with a simple step by step process!)
resolve disagreements & repair quickly (based on your strengths as a couple; this is unique to you)
reconnect, feel loved & appreciated (so you can speak your partners language and stop guessing!).
get back to being lovers instead of room mates
move past the hurt and resentment QUICKLY & draw a line in the sand!
This is tailored specifically to you and your lifestyle. No two action plans or counselling sessions are the same (as no two couples are alike).

Say goodbye to….
❌Walking on eggshells, not knowing what to say and wishing you could go back to the start
❌Icy spells of silence & not ever saying what you really feel
❌Going to sleep mad & frustrated, wondering how your marriage ended up here
❌Craving intimacy, but feeling like your partner is never in the right mood
Instead You'll...
✔️wake up in the morning and have a clear actionable step by step plan for conversations that take the round and round part out of it!
✔️never feel unwanted or rejected ever again after building back intimacy and affection in 6 weeks
✔️ build the reassurance, respect and love back during the process of creating an unshakable trustworthy relationship

I'm Laura Press a Specialist Online Relationship Counsellor. I provide affordable Counselling.
I’m a specialist online, results orientated marriage & relationship counsellor. My professional and tailored approach has successfully helped hundreds of clients resolve relationship issues and create sustainable change in their relationship.
What Differentiates Laura Press Counselling?
✔️Proven Process To Transform You're Relationship
✔️I get results for my clients & I know how to do it faster than most counsellors with practical, real and down-to-earth sessions (think no BS - just actions that work).
✔️ Sessions do not have to be arduous or pain full! At the right times, I infuse lightheartedness (there are times with clients when we are having a joke and a laugh).
✔️An important distinction to make is that I have a Masters in Counselling, not a weekend course.
✔️I have personal experience in most facets of relationships, divorce, marriage after divorce, co-parenting, blended families & long-distance relationships.
This means I really get where you are coming from as I have been there and moved through it; to now having a created a wonderful marriage with my husband and three kids.

Don't let your relationship suffer in silence - get the help you need!

Book A Free
(No Obligation)
15 Minute Zoom Call to Start Changing Your Relationship Now
Once you click on the button below; you will be able to access my calendar to book a FREE relationship reconnect zoom session at a time/date that suits you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my partner does not want counselling?
What type of therapies do you use?
What are the cost of the sessions?
What if I am not married?
Do you offer counselling for same sex couples?
Do you offer counselling on Saturdays?
Can I claim couples counselling through my private health insurance?
How many sessions will we need?
90 mins seems like a long time for one session?

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