Laura is the Resident Relationship Expert for the Morning Show on Channel 7 & for Sunshine Coast ABC Radio.

My professional and tailored approach has helped hundreds of clients achieve their relationship goals, build back trust and create a more loving/connected relationship.

Grey Divorce Is On The Rise

With women making the decision to seperate from their husbands later in life. Great conversation with Larry &  Kylie for The Morning Show on Channel 7!

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Laura has been recently featured in  and the article went International & was published by the New York Post

All about the rise in ‘highly addictive’ new porn tech that is ‘ruining relationships’

Worth the read to educate yourself on the dangers of VR Porn and how it can impact your relationship. and NY Post Featured Laura Press-Online Counsellor

Testing your partners love via Tik Tok

Great conversation with Larry &  Kylie in studio for The Morning Show on Channel 7!


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Age Gaps In Relationships Pros/Cons

ABC Radio Drive Gold Coast

ABC Gold Coast Radio
What is the Ideal Age Gap?

Epidemic of Mental Health Challenges & How It Impacts Your Relationship

ABC Radio Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio
Mental Health Challenges

'Breakup-ology' why women are more likely to break up with men!

Really enjoyed chatting with Larry &  Sally on The Morning Show on Channel 7!


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Is Infidelity the New Trend in 2024?

Great chat with Kylie & Larry on Channel 7's The Morning Show. Share tips on what to do if you suspect your partner is cheating and tips on how to build back trust.

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Laura has recently been featured on The Morning Show on Channel 7 & is a regular guest on Sunshine Coast ABC Radio.

My professional and tailored approach has helped hundreds of clients achieve their relationship goals, build back trust and create a more loving/connected relationship.

Sleep Divorce- Exploring the Trend 

Laura talks with Larry & Kylie from The Morning Show (Channel 7) about the rise of sleep divorce and is it a good or bad thing for your relationships?

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TikTok Trend that Could Be Harming Your Relationship

One of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors,  Laura Press, speaks with Seven’s The Morning Show on the latest Tik Tok fad that is urging partners to be on the lookout for signs of ‘micro cheating’.

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Love Languages Still Useful Today?

ABC Radio Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio
How you can use love languages

Anxiety in Relationships

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

Anxiety in Relationships
ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

Relationship Anxiety It's Impact on Your Relationship

ABC Radio Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio
Relationship Anxiety

Mismatched Libidos

A common issue couples face is mismatched libidos. In this conversations we discuss what can do be done and what are the real reasons couples have mismatched libidos. 

Mismatched Libidos
ABC Sunshine Coast

Spending Time on Your Own Could Help Your Marriage

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

We all hear about how quality time is so necessary but what can independent time do for your relationship? Is it needed and how much is too much?

Individual Time Could Help Your Marriage
ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

Dump Season

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

Tis...the season to be dumped. Statistically Nov 15- Dec 15 is considered the time where there is the most break ups Laura chats with Sheridan Stewart on ABC radio about what it is, what we can do if we are having difficulties in our relationship at this time of year. 

Tis.....the season to be dumped!
ABC Sunshine Coast Radio

How to Survive the Pressure Cooker of Christmas

ABC Radio Hobart

While Christmas is meant to be a time of love, joy and connection. It is actually the season of stress and 'dump month'; how do we survive the pressure cooker that is Christmas?

ABC Hobart Radio
How to survive the pressure cooker this Christmas

5 Hacks to Have the Best Christmas

ABC Radio Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast Radio
5 Hacks to Have the Best Christmas

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