Counselling Frequently Asked Questions

counselling faq psych-k Feb 04, 2023
Counselling & PSYCH-K Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you ever wanted to know about marriage and relationship counselling.
Frequently asked questions are answered! Regarding if marriage & relationship counselling. Does it actually work, the benefits, how the sessions operates, when you should seek out a counsellor and who needs a counsellor.
  1. How do the counselling sessions work? 
  2. How long does it take? 
  3. ​What if only one person in the relationship is wanting or willing to receive counselling? 
  4. Do both partners need to participate in the counselling sessions to get a benefit? 
  5. Do both partners need to participate in the counselling sessions to get a benefit? 
  6. Are the counselling Sessions as effective online as in person? 
  7. How can I remember what strategies to implement af ter the session? 
  8. What can we achieve with relationship counselling?
  9. ​What does relationship counselling do? 
  10. Who needs relationship counselling? 
  11. What is the difference between relationship counselling and marriage counselling? 
  12.  Can relationship counselling heal a broken relationship? 
  13. ​ When should you see a relationship counsellor? 
  14. ​How can you save your relationship? 
  15. ​ What is the best therapy for relationship problems? 
  16. ​What does marriage counselling do? 
  17. Is marriage counselling worth it? 
  18. What if only one person in the relationship is wanting or willing to receive marriage counselling? 
How do the counselling sessions work?
The sessions are conducted online via Skype or the phone.
I will send you a short questionnaire to fill out prior to the session so I can get a clear idea of your circumstances and what you would like to focus on.
Each session begins with a few questions from me to gain further clarity if required from the questionnaire and to get to know you. Then we get clear on what your main goal for the session is and how you would like to feel by the end of the session.
We will then get started using either behavioural cognitive therapy, humanistic/client focused therapy or reality therapy.
Don't worry about the different lingo, all it means is that I use a range of different counselling approaches based on the situation and the person as there is not a one size fits all approach to counselling.
How long does it take?
The sessions are 60 minutes.
And I offer single sessions or packages depending on your circumstance, what you would like to work through and how many strategies and tips you would like to learn.
Happy to discuss what option would be the best fit for you.
​What if only one person in the relationship is wanting or willing to receive counselling?
One person engaging in counselling will help change the relationship. If your partner or spouse is not ready to come to counselling that is ok.
Starting yourself will help you be in good mental space and learn strategies to assist your relationship to succeed.
I have worked one on one with one person in the relationship and it has helped tremendously.
She was able to take the strategies/tips back and apply them together at home.
Do both partners need to participate in the counselling sessions to get a benefit?
​Again, no. One person participating will assist in creating change in your relationship.
Are the counselling Sessions as effective online as in person?
Absolutely! There is no difference in the results my clients have.
We also do video chat which is very similar to being in person and participating in counselling.
How can I remember what strategies to implement after the session?
After each session you will get a personal de-brief email that highlights empowering ideas we discussed during the session.
And a list of empowering strategies to implement right away. Along with an explanation on how and when to implement these strategies.
These are also discussed during the session giving you an opportunity to ask questions.
What can we achieve with relationship counselling?
  • Individually tailored sessions for your unique circumstances.
  • Transform stress, anxiety and fear.
  • Heal the relationship with yourself and others.
  • Heal after a break-up or divorce.
  • Mend a broken relationship.
  • Feel a sense of peace and calm surrounding your relationship.
  • Identify repetitive patterns and behaviours with solutions to stop the patterns repeating.​
  • Finding the one, getting clear on the man/woman you would like in your life and clear limiting patterns that keep repeating.
  • Enhance/rebuild passion, intimacy, trust, love and joy in your relationship.
  • Improve communication with your loved ones.
  • Practical strategies you can implement straight away. ​
  • Action plan to achieve your desired goals.
  • Session de-brief emailed directly to you after the session including any resources, strategies and tips to action.
​What does relationship counselling do?
Relationship counselling helps you relate to others in a better way. Relationship counsellors help you to identify limiting beliefs, patterns or issues surrounding your relationships and assist you to move forward in a positive and productive way.
Who needs relationship counselling?
Relationship counselling can be utilised in the following situations (but not limited to);
  • After a break-up or divorce.
  • Navigating blended families.
  • Mending a broken relationship.
  • Up-level or heal the current relationship you have.
  • Increasing the intimacy, passion, love and connection you have in a relationship.
  • Healing the relationship you have with yourself.
  • Healing the relationship you have with your mother, brother, sister, children etc.
  • To re-connect you and your partner. ​
Are the counselling sessions as effective online as in person?
Absolutely! There is no difference in the results my clients have. The sessions are face to face via video chat which means its just like being in person.
What is the difference between relationship counselling and marriage counselling?
Marriage counselling is often something couples do together to work through challenges, improve communication, have a safe place to discuss difficult topics, reignite the spark, deepen their connection, intimacy and passion. Some couples do pre-martial counselling to see if they are on the same page before tying the knot.
Relationship counselling is where one person (sometimes both partners) works on themselves to either address a specific issue, transform stressors or to learn specific skills to enhance their relationships. The skills could be coping strategies, fighting smart tips, intimacy/passion/connection processes to deepen their relationship.
Other times people do relationship counselling to work on different types of relationships in their life for example, relationship with their child, mother, father, sibling or friend. All sessions are directly targeted to the individuals desired outcome and how they wish to feel by the end of the session.
Can relationship counselling heal a broken relationship?
Relationship counselling can assist to mend a broken relationship however, this is always up to the individuals in the relationship. Sometimes it does work and sometimes it does not.
Relationship counselling can assist people to have a healthy and civil break up where you can reflect on what did and did not work during your relationship and learn from this experience.
Relationship counsellors can help you work through grief and assist you with strategies to heal.
When should you see a relationship counsellor?
There are many reasons people see a relationship counsellor and there is no right or wrong time. Some seek the guidance of a counsellor when things are not working in their relationship and they want to fix or enhance that relationship. Others see relationship counsellors when they are almost at breaking point and look to mend the relationship.
Other people see a relationship counsellor proactively, meaning there is nothing 'wrong' per say however, they take the time out of the busyness of everyday life to speak openly and honestly to one another and work on ways to deepen their love, connect, communication, trust or intimacy.
How can you save your relationship?
First and foremost the answer is to always work on yourself first to ensure you are in a good head space and therefore able to make good decisions.
From this place there is many different tips and strategies to assist you to both fight smarter and love deeper.
It is important for you to take the time to understand you, your emotions and your thoughts first.
What is the best therapy for relationship problems?
The best therapy is always an individual targeted approach. This way it is tailored specifically to what you and your partner are trying to achieve and your individual circumstances.
Our lives are all different and filled with different complexities therefore, it must be an individualised approach because you are unique.
​What does marriage counselling do?
​Marriage counselling helps you identify patterns or issues surrounding your marriage and assist you to move forward in a positive and productive way.
Marriage counselling provides you with the mental and emotional support to move through challenges you are facing.
Marriage counselling also provides a safe and supportive place for you and your spouse to discuss challenging topics and come up with positive solutions to the issues.
Not only does marriage counselling provide an opportunity to discuss issues, a counsellor provides practical strategies, actions and tips to implement to many situations providing you both with a tool kit to navigate life challenges.
What if only one person in the relationship is wanting or willing to receive marriage counselling?
One person engaging in counselling will help change the relationship. If your partner or spouse is not ready to come to counselling that is ok.
Starting yourself will help you be in good mental space and learn strategies to assist your relationship to succeed. I have worked one on one with one person in the relationship and it has helped tremendously. She was able to take the strategies/tips back and apply them together at home.
Do both partners need to participate in the counselling sessions to get a benefit?
Again, no. One person participating will assist in creating change in your relationship.
Are the counselling sessions as effective online as in person?
Absolutely! There is no difference in the results my clients have. The sessions are face to face via video chat which means its just like being in person.
Can relationship counselling heal a broken marriage?
Marriage counselling can assist to mend a broken marriage however, this is always up to the individuals in the relationship. Sometimes it does work and sometimes it does not.
Marriage counselling can assist people to have a healthy and civil break up/divorce where you can reflect on what did and did not work during your marriage and learn from this experience. Marriage counsellors can help you work through grief and assist you with strategies to heal.
When should you see a marriage counsellor?
There are many reasons people see a marriage counsellor and there is no right or wrong time. Some seek the guidance of a counsellor when things are not working in their relationship and they want to fix or enhance that relationship. Others see marriage counsellors when they are almost at breaking point and are look to mend the relationship or make a decision regarding the marriage.
Other people see a marriage counsellor proactively, meaning there is nothing 'wrong' per say however, they take the time out of the busyness of everyday life to speak openly and honestly to one another and work on ways to deepen their love, connect, communication, trust or intimacy.
How can you save your marriage?
First and foremost the answer is to always work on yourself first to ensure you are in a good head space and therefore able to make good decisions. From this place there is many different tips and strategies to assist you to both fight smarter and love deeper. It is important for you to take the time to understand you, your emotions and your thoughts first.
From there the work with both partners begins, there are many different strategies to assist saving a marriage. Sometimes this works fantastically and other times it does not. It does depend on the individuals and the circumstances.
What is the best therapy for marriage problems?
The best therapy is always an individual targeted approach. This way it is tailored specifically to what you and your spouse are trying to achieve and your individual circumstances.
Our lives are all different and filled with different complexities therefore, it must be an individualised approach because you are unique.
If we choose a marriage counselling package do we do all the sessions together as a couple or seperate?
You are able to decide how you would like to work the sessions however, I do often recommend you do a few individual sessions first to identify individual stressors.
And then comes together to work through combined issues and strategies to set you both up for success. I am happy to guide you on the best option for you both.
Is marriage counselling worth it?
Absolutely if you are both willing to give it a go and make some changes it can be a great benefit. As marriage counselling addresses a variety of issues that couples face.
What does marriage counselling do for a relationship?
Marriage counselling can help address and resolve issues or confits people may experience during a relationship. Marriage counselling assists you in improving your relationship.It may cover how to express your emotions in a positive way, how to communicate exactly how you feel to your spouse, how to have difficult conversations together, how to connect when you are feeling disconnected, how to feel the love from the other person, how to break down walls/barriers you may have put up towards one another, how to trust more deeply, how to reignite the spark, excitement and intimacy in your marriage. And much, much more.
What if I cannot use Zoom?
If you do not have Zoom, sessions can be conducted via another platform that suits you.
If you have any more questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]

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